Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"Ты туда и улетай"

"Улетай на крыльях ветра..."

The trip went surprisingly well, though after Riga, I was not able to get my internet connection to work. That made me a bit nervous as I was not able to send any message to the university and inform of being on time and on board - and before anyone comment: No I was not able to get any Wi-Fi to work in Moscow Vnukovo airport ( though there should be one!). Next to my adventures with pictures attached:

In this picture my taxi driver had disappeared. He luckily showed up, but I must say it made me a bit worry at that point. He was funny guy, spoke English and has two jobs: taxi driving and installing satellite disks. (Now I know all about the Moscow Oblast regions disk markets.) He got me safely from sheremetyevo airport to Vnukovo, which is 55 km. I think Moscow region is a hint bigger than one would expect... Well, I arrived within an hour to the airport. It was 2 am, no internet and flight to Ukhta left after 11 hours. Yeaaaa, tired! So I ate and notice some funny looking capsules. It had "aerosleep" written on one side. One word: SLEEEP.

So I got myself 4 hours of sleep, a bit noisy. But hey: It's a bed! 

Next pictures are taken at the dormitory, which is basic Russian: functional and rustic.

I think it is a bit chilly, or is is just me...

Kitchen. No fridge yet and still waiting, but I have been able to keep my food in one of my colleagues fridges. (It is not the end of the world.)

Shower room, rustic rustic, but works perfectly for me.

Bedroom, had to buy new pillows the next day. they had some old feather pillows waiting me and I do not like the feathers. 

2. Day

Office and colleagues are wonderful, everyone are great. I have to say the hospitality is excellent here! Only two speaks English: Crash course on Russian, but that is what I am here for. I had a pleasure to communicate in French too. Though, took some time to wake up my language skills. 

Next adventure was an actual adventure...

Here is one innocent looking lunch. Oh boy, I had to work to get it, well actually get out of the cafeteria:

So all went well as my colleague assisted me to the facility and I managed to get something to eat. As I was leaving, the guard stopped me at the door and started to complain about my jacket (I had it on at that point, note: had already as I came in through that same door with the colleague.), luckily there came some exchange students who sorted it out and I was allowed to exit the room with my jacket in the bag. I recommend to never have a jacket with you when entering Russian university, period!

Oh well, survived past by the guard and proceeded to find my way back to the international department. Easier said than done: Russian layout in buildings is something I cannot get grasp. So finally after few minutes, saw two person walking past by, who seemed to be working for the university and managed to communicate enough to inform I am lost and where I need to be. Finally I was escorted to the right door. Still do not know where I had been, what route I came and so looking forward to have the same adventure next day. Oh, did I mention I am coming with the public transport by myself to the faculty tomorrow? 

Who guess where I find myself then? Arkangel or perhaps Ural? Stay tune for the next episode... 

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